Unsolved problems of dyslipidemia and residual cardiovascular risk


  • V. S. Gurevich
  • G. P. Arutyunov
  • V. Yu. Kalashnikov
  • A. G. Obrezan
  • A. V. Panov
  • T. V. Vavilova
  • A. S. Alieva ФГБУ "НМИЦ им.В.А.Алмазова" Минздрава РФ
  • I. V. Sergienko
  • M. V. Ezhov
  • N. A. Koziolova
  • V. O. Konstantinov




non-HDL-C, cardiovascular risk, atherosclerosis, dyslipidemia


Non-high density lipoprotein cholesterol (Non-HDL-C) is a secondary goal for dyslipidemia treatment, that has been discussed by specialists in diagnostics, prevention, and treatment of dyslipidemia over 20 years. At the same time, this parameter has not yet acquired proper use in routine practice. In the current article we present the results of expert council, during which leading specialists for diagnostics and treatment of dyslipidemia discussed the role of non-HDL-C in evaluation and correction of cardiovascular risk. Target values for non-HDL-C and it’s components were proposed in the article, patient management algorithms were developed as well.


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2023-02-23 — Updated on 2023-03-26


How to Cite

Gurevich V. S., Arutyunov G. P., Kalashnikov V. Y., Obrezan A. G., Panov A. V., Vavilova T. V., Alieva A. S., Sergienko I. V., Ezhov M. V., Koziolova N. A., Konstantinov V. O. Unsolved problems of dyslipidemia and residual cardiovascular risk // The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias. 2023. VOL. № 1(50). PP. 47–53.




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