Practical significance of lipoproteid(a) measurement for risk stratification




lipoprotein(a), cardiovascular diseases, dyslipidemia.


Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is a major risk factor of premature cardiovascular diseases that is rarely used in clinical practice. The increase in Lp(a)’s level measurement among target groups of population is a key to better risk stratification and enlargement of high and extremely high-risk groups. The absence of target medicines should not limit wide measurement of Lp(a).

Future investigations will lead to big changes in conventional contribution of Lp(a) in occurrence of premature cardiovascular diseases and new approaches of the pathological state pharmacological correction.


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How to Cite

Namitokov A. M., Zafiraki V. K., Kruchinova S. V. ., Ishevskaya O. P., Kosmacheva E. D. Practical significance of lipoproteid(a) measurement for risk stratification // The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias. 2022. VOL. № 2 (47). PP. 15–20.




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