Review Procedure

The procedure for review of manuscripts

  1. All scientific articles received by the editors of the journal "Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemia" are viewed for compliance with the basic rules of the journal. Before the expert evaluation by the reviewer, the manuscript passes the inspection for the presence of plagiarism.
  2. If corrections of the structure and content of the manuscript are necessary, a message with information about the required editing will be sent to the responsible author within 1-2 weeks.
  3. The review of the manuscript is carried out by the editorial board or invited reviewers - specialists in the field of lipidology and relevant specialties. The review period is up to 4 weeks.
  4. Following the consideration of the manuscript, the reviewer makes one of the following decisions:
  • The article is recommended for publication unchanged;
  • The article is recommended for publication after corrections according to the reviewer comments;
  • Additional review of the article by another specialist is required;
  • The article cannot be published in the journal.
  1. The date of receipt of the manuscript to the editorial is the date of returning the corrected article by the author after the review. The final decision on the reception of manuscript for publication is made by the members of the editorial board by open voting. The decision to publish an article is sent to the author by email.
  2. “The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias” is included in the "List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and editions of Higher Attestation Commission". In this regard, articles of graduate students, doctoral students and applicants for scientific degrees should be accompanied by an indication of the date of the estimated thesis defense.



      The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias uses a single-blind review process. Reviewer identities are not, and should not be, disclosed to the authors or other reviewers. In addition, authors should not contact those whom they presume to be reviewers of their manuscript.