Author guidelines


  • High quality reports of controlled clinical trials results, focusing on such interventions as diet, drugs, non-invasive procedures, percutaneous coronary intervention and other treatment procedures concerning lipid and atherosclerosis disorders will be considered for publication. Major criteria for acceptance of articles are new insights into mechanisms of lipid function and metabolism, genes regulating lipid metabolism and their role in pathogenesis, diagnostics, prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and its complications. The editors are also interested in clinical papers dealing with epidemiology and pathophysiology of atherosclerosis and related diseases.
  • All manuscripts are to be submitted via the internet using submission form. Submitting requires filling out all the available fields, including authors' ORCIDs. Further interaction with the editors is conducted through the web platform of the journal website using your personal account. Check out the brief video guide to the submission process.
  • All inquiries regarding journal policy should be directed to the Editorial Office:


       2.1 Original Articles
       These include prospective clinical trials, basic research papers, laboratory research, retrospective clinical analyses (e.g. case series), and related research. In addition to peer review, original manuscripts will undergo statistical review by either a master's or doctorate degree statistician. Papers should not exceed 2500 words/17500 characters (including legends to figures and tables) and no more than 20 references.

       2.2 Review Articles
       This includes scientific and systematic reviews, meta-analyzes and mini-reviews. These articles are a critical assessment of literature and data available. Scientific review describes the latest achievements on the subject of the journal, critically considers the status of literary sources and provides an analysis of sources, and also determines the gaps in the knowledge and directions of future research [1]. Articles should contain new ideas, or a fresh look at the hypotheses put forward, which are of interest to a large range of specialists. Systematic reviews and meta-analyzes must meet the PRISMA review structure methodology [2]. The size of the review should not exceed 3500 words / 24500 characters and have no more than 50 references in the listed list.

       2.3. Letters to the Editor
       The Editor welcomes letters and comments, particularly pertaining to recently published articles in JAD (no later than 1 month after the article's publication), as well as letters reporting original observations and research. All letters to the Editor are to be considered by the Editor-in-Chief. It is assumed that appropriate letters submitted to the Editor may be published (with the consent of the author). The Editor reserves the right to edit and abridge letters if necessary. Letters should not exceed 1000 words/7000 characters.

       2.4. Clinical Case Reports
       Case reports must identify a new disease or syndrome, a previously unknown or important manifestation of a common disease, a new understanding of the pathophysiology of a common disease, a new or first observation of an important adverse effect of a commonly used drug, a new activity of a new drug or invasive treatment. A case should not exceed 1000 words/7000 characters.

       2.5 Key Article
       The Key article of the issue must be dedicated to the most important, relevant and discussion issues. It is determined at the journal editorial board meeting.



  • Each of the list of persons specified as authors must own authorship rights, i.e. participate in the research sufficiently to take responsibility for the relevant fragments of work or for all the work as a whole, namely:
  • make a significant contribution to the concept, research design, data collection, analysis or interpretation of data;
  • take part in the work on draft article or to carry out a critical review of its content;
  • approve the final version of the article for publication

       Other participants in the work that cannot claim authorship should be listed in the "Gratitudes" section.

  • The authors are responsible for obtaining permission to reuse the material (illustrations, tables, quotes) from other sources, including the adaptation of the material. Using materials from the original source requires a permitting letter from copyright owner, otherwise such materials must be excluded from the manuscript.
  • Submission of the publication to the journal assumes that the author provides exclusive rights to this manuscript to the publishing house. The editors guarantees that no information about the manuscript is provided to someone except the author himself, reviewers and publisher before it is published.



  • Publications must be submitted in accordance with the ethical standards and current legislation. The journal follows the ethical rules and standards of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (ICMJE).
  • The publications provided should not be published earlier or be on consideration for publication in another edition.
  • The generally accepted rules for study conduction must be followed. Description of research methods should allow to reproduce them by other authors.
  • Study results should be presented clearly, honestly, and without fabrication, falsification, inappropriate data manipulation and plagiarism. The Editorial Board reserve the right in case of identifying such violations (including as a result of checking the text by the "Antiplagiarism" systems) to act in accordance with the COPE rules.
  • When publishing research results with patient’s participation, the authors must declare compliance with the provisions of the Helsinki Declaration (2013).
  • When publishing research results conducted on laboratory animals, the authors must declare compliance with the provisions of GOST 33215-2014 and OST 42-511-99
  • Funding sources and relevant conflicts of interest should be fully disclosed. This demonstrates the responsible approach and gives the authors advantages when reviewing.


       5.1 General requirements

  • The article must be written in Russian. The title of the article, information about the authors, abstract, conflict of interest and gratitudes should be submitted in Russian and English. Professional translation of the article into English is appreciated, such articles will be considered in priority.
  • The manuscript must be typed in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx formats), have an line spacing 1.5, Times New Roman font, size 12, 2.0 cm margins on both sides and page numbering.
  • The scan of the Covering letter in the .pdf format must be attached. It contains the authors’ complete names, positions and institutions of the authors, e-mail of the responsible author and other items specified in the letter template. The authors agree with the material and publication process by either the signatures of each author, or the signature of a responsible author with the mark "agreed with all co-authors."

       5.2 Publication Structure

  • When preparing a manuscript, use as samples publications from the current issue of the journal.
  • The article should consist of generally accepted sections designated by headlines: Title, List of authors, Institutions of authors, Abstract, Introduction, Material and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Conflict of interest, Gratitudes, References.
  • Footnotes and notes in the text are not allowed.
  • Tables, figures and their legends are located in the course of the text. Place a title above the table or figure and notes with your comments and all abbreviations with definitions in alphabetical order below. Figures consisting of several parts (labeled A, B, C, D) may be under the same number. The figures are accepted in a gray scale (color drawings must be transformed into a gray scale without loss of meaning), in .jpg, .png or .tif formats with a resolution of 300 dpi.
  • For original articles: a structured abstract (Objective, Material and methods, Results, Conclusion, Keywords) of no more than 300 words/2000 characters must be included. Please provide the Clinical Trial registration number according to CONSORT standards at the end of the abstract, if applicable.
  • Spell out acronyms and abbreviations in the first instance in the abstract and paper and each time they appear in table or figure. Abbreviations in the abstract and the rest of the text are spelled out separately.
  • In the "Material and Methods" section for all clinical studies, information on the acceptance of the study by the Ethics Committee of the Organization and the informed consent of patients to participate in the study must be provided.
  • At the end of the "Material and Methods" section, data about the statistical methods used are given. P values ​​are given in absolute values ​​(except the <0.01 values) with two decimal places.
  • Use a comma as a decimal separator in the Russian-language part of the article (e.g. 3,14), a dot in the English-language part (e.g. 3.14).
  • Suppliers of drugs, equipment or other brand-name material are credited in parentheses (company, city/country of registration).

       5.3 Financial Disclosures and Conflict of Interests
       A statement concerning the source of funding, conflicts of interests and disclosures of financial support should be provided. Any author who has a financial involvement with any organization or entity with a financial interest or in financial competition with the subject matter or materials discussed in the manuscript should disclose that affiliation (e.g. grant number and funding agency for the project, an individual author, or both). Examples of financial involvement include employment, stock holdings (>$10,000 or >5% equity interest in a company), consultancies, financial support of research through grants or contracts, participation in a speaker's bureau, provision of expert testimony, or receipt of honoraria. All authors should prepare a statement revealing any such financial affiliations and include it with the manuscript submission. The manuscript should also clearly identify the financial support of the research described in the currently submitted manuscript.

5.4 Reference List

  • The authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the presented references, as well as for the accuracy of the quotations provided in the text.
  • Numbering of references to citation sources is provided in the text in ascending order: [1] ... [2,3] ... etc.
  • It is not allowed to use multiple links in the text (more than three). e.g. allowed options: [2, 4], [5-7], [1, 6, 12], not allowed: [20-25], [9, 14, 18-20]
  • The reference list is located at the end of the manuscript and must be submitted in the order of citation from the text.
  • The journal adopted the following standards. Registration of the literature: AMA for English-speaking sources (in the presence of> 7 authors, the first 6 are listed followed by “et al.”), RSCI for Russian-speaking sources (all authors are listed).
  • Links to native (Russian) publications should be indicated in English translation, and then (in brackets) the original in Russian.
  • It is recommended to check the abbreviated names of English-language journals on the PubMed website.
  • Examples of the correct reference syntax list (pay attention to punctuation, gaps and brackets, as well as to specify DOI):

English-speaking article:
       Mach F, Baigent C, Catapano AL, Koskinas KC, Casula M, Badimon L et. al. 2019 ESC/EAS Guidelines for the management of dyslipidaemias: lipid modification to reduce cardiovascular risk. Eur Heart J. 2020;1(41):111-188. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehz455.

Russian-speaking article:
       Sergienko IV, Ansheles AA, Boytsov SA. Mobile application “Aterostop” for a comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk in patients in the Russian population. Terapevticheskii Arkhiv (Ter. Arkh.). 2021;4(93):415-420. Russian. (Сергиенко И.В., Аншелес А.А., Бойцов С.А. Мобильное приложение Aterostop для комплексной оценки сердечно-сосудистого риска у пациентов в российской популяции. Терапевтический архив. 2021;4(93):415-420). doi: 10.26442/00403660.2021.04.200683.

Last updated: 10.2023