Risk factors, lipid profile indicators and hypolipidemic therapy in patients of various categories of cardiovascular risk: the results of the Aterostop registry


  • I. V. Sergienko National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after acad. E.I. Chazov of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow
  • A. A. Ansheles National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after akad. E.I. Chazov" Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2675-3276
  • S. A. Boytsov National Medical Research Center of Cardiology named after akad. E.I. Chazov" Ministry of Health of Russia, Moscow, Russia




atherosclerosis, risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, achievement of LDL-C target level, register of patients of different cardiovascular risk categories.


Objective. Analysis of the three-year results of the use of the Aterostop registry calculator for a comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular risk.

Material and methods. In a one-point study, 4583 patients of the Russian population were analyzed for risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, lipid profile indicators, used hypolipidemic therapy using a self-developed software Aterostop calculator.

Results. Among the users of our CV risk calculator, 69.4% used the mobile app and 31.6% used the web version. 34.4% of patients were in the categories of very high or extreme risk. The main risk factors were arterial hypertension (55.0%), dyslipidemia (total cholesterol level >5.0 mmol/l - 60.1%, LDL-C level >4.9 mmol/l - 15.6%, combination of hypertension and total cholesterol >5.0 mmol/l was observed in 32.9% patients), smoking (21.8%), diabetes (15.9%). Obesity was present in 28.5% of patients, ishemic heart disease – in 17.6%. Hypolipidemic therapy was prescribed to 13.0% of patients. Only 2 to 4% of patients of high, very high and extreme risk reached the LDL-C target levels.

Conclusion. Among the users of our CV risk calculator, 31.6% used the web version and 69.4% used the mobile app. The data obtained using the Aterostop calculator can be used to study the prevalence of risk factors, lipid profile parameters and the effectiveness of hypolipidemic therapy in patients groups of various cardiovascular risk. The low achievement of LDL-C target levels in patients of high, very high and extreme risk was demonstrated.


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How to Cite

Sergienko I. V., Ansheles A. A., Boytsov S. A. Risk factors, lipid profile indicators and hypolipidemic therapy in patients of various categories of cardiovascular risk: the results of the Aterostop registry // The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias. 2023. VOL. № 2 (51). PP. 43–53.



Original research paper