Studying the mechanism of the competitive inhibiting effect of methionin to the toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide in vivo and based on mathematical modeling


  • L. I. Golovatskaya
  • M. N. Trizno
  • E. V. Golubkina
  • N. N. Trizno
  • O. S. Dyukareva



Ключевые слова: математическое моделирование, сероводород, фосфолипид, метионин, триглицерид, цитохром P450.


Objective. Evaluation of the ability of methionine to competitive inhibition of intermolecular interactions
of lipid components of cell membranes to hydrogen sulfide.

Materials and methods. Mathematical modeling of intermolecular interactions of methionine and hydrogen sulfide with the components of the cell membrane has been carried out. Calculations based on the set-theoretic analysis and quantum-chemical simulation carried out using the developed programs. The experimental part of the work carried out in vivo using murine models with toxic poisoning with hydrogen sulfide.
Results. Schemes illustrating the reactive centers of triglyceride, phospholipid and cytochrome P450 blocked by methionine under conditions of toxic exposure to hydrogen sulfide are presented. Survival rates of laboratory animals confirmed the theoretically substantiated possibility of using methionine as an inhibitor of hydrogen sulfide.


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How to Cite

Golovatskaya L. I., Trizno M. N., Golubkina E. V., Trizno N. N., Dyukareva O. S. Studying the mechanism of the competitive inhibiting effect of methionin to the toxic effect of hydrogen sulfide in vivo and based on mathematical modeling // The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias. 2022. VOL. № 3 (48). PP. 14–20.



Original research paper