The role of proteins GDF11, GDF15, CCL11, JAM-A in the regulation of the lipid spectrum, female sex hormones and lipid peroxidation in women with/without essential hypertension


  • E. S. Guseva Innovation Clinic Academy of Health
  • B. I. Kuznik Chita State Medical Academy, Innovation Clinic Academy of Health
  • Y. N. Smolyakov Chita State Medical Academy, Innovation Clinic Academy of Health
  • S. O. Davydov Chita State Medical Academy, Innovation Clinic Academy of Health
  • N. N. Tsybikov Chita State Medical Academy
  • E. V. Fefelova Chita State Medical Academy
  • M. V. Maximenya Chita State Medical Academy
  • P. P. Tereshkov Chita State Medical Academy



GDF11, GDF15, CCL11, JAM-A, essential hypertension (EH), kinesitherapy, lipid spectrum, estradiol, progesterone, prolactin, TBA, AOA


Aim. To research the role of GDF11, GDF15, CCL11 and JAM-A proteins in the regulation of lipid metabolism, female sex hormones, TBA-active products and total antioxidant activity in healthy women and patients with essential hypertension (EH), not passing (1-EH) and passing (2-EH) kinesitherapy courses.
Methods. The study involved 30 relatively healthy women aged 55,2±2,9 (control). Patients with EH were divided into 2 groups. The first (1-EH) included 37 women with stage II arterial hypertension, the average age of which was 57,8±4,3 years. The second group (2-EH) included 35 women aged 56,7±4,1 years who regularly underwent 3–4 months and a half months of kinesitherapy for 2–3 years. The studied proteins were studied by ELISA using reagents from USCN Cloud Clone Corp using a Chem Well apparatus (USA). The lipid spectrum was studied using a Siemens Dimension (Germany) biochemical analyzer using Siemens reagents (Germany). The levels of estradiol, prolactin and progesterone were determined by the immunochemical method. The content of thiobarbituric acid (TBA) in red blood cells was studied by the method of L.I. Andreeva, and the total antioxidant activity (AOA) according to the method of M. S. Promyslov et al.
Results. In women with 1-EH, the content of GDF11 protein is significantly reduced and increased – GDF15, CCL11 and JAM-A, the concentration of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin is reduced, the level of TBA of active products is increased and AOA is reduced. In healthy women, a negative relationship was found between the content of GDF11 and HDL and the direct one between GDF15, JAM-A and TAG, and GDF11 and progesterone. In 1-EH, negative relationships were found between GDF15 and HDL, JAM-A and HDL, TAG and AI, and positive were found between CCL11 and VLDL. Direct relationships were found between GDF11/JAM-A, Total Cholesterol, VLDL and CCL11/JAM-A with Total Cholesterol. In addition, 1-EH showed strong positive correlations between GDF15/JAM-A, CCL11/JAM-A and proges-terone concentration, as well as GDF11/JAM-A, GDF15/JAM-A and CCL11/JAM-A with AOA. In 2-EH women, the subjects correspond or are close to healthy ones.
Conclusion. In 1-EH women, the GDF11 protein content is reduced and GDF15, CCL11 and JAM-A are increased, the concentration of estrogen, progesterone and prolactin is reduced, the level of TBA of active products is increased and AOA is reduced. In 2-EH patients, the tests are close to those of healthy people. In healthy and 1-EH and 2-EH patients, the relationships between the studied proteins and their combination with the lipid spectrum, female sex hormones, TBA-active products and AOA were revealed. Significant differences were found in the studied correlation relationships in healthy and sick 1-EH and 2-EH.


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2020-09-30 — Updated on 2021-10-08


How to Cite

Guseva E. S., Kuznik B. I., Smolyakov Y. N., Davydov S. O., Tsybikov N. N., Fefelova E. V., Maximenya M. V., Tereshkov P. P. The role of proteins GDF11, GDF15, CCL11, JAM-A in the regulation of the lipid spectrum, female sex hormones and lipid peroxidation in women with/without essential hypertension // The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias. 2021. VOL. № 3 (40). PP. 42–50.



Original research paper