Tautomeric forms of magnesium orotate in correction of magnesium deficiency and lipid status in magnesium-deficient animals


  • N. N. Chuchkova Izhevsk state medical Academy
  • M. V. Smetanina Izhevsk state medical Academy
  • N. V. Kormilina Izhevsk state medical Academy
  • K. A. Pazinenko Izhevsk state medical Academy
  • O. M. Kanunnikova Udmurt Federal center, Ural branch Russian Academy of Sciences "Scientific center of metallurgy physics and materials science",




magnesium deficiency, lipid status, tautomeric forms of magnesium orotate


Aim of research is the comparative evaluation of therapeutic effect oxo – and hydroxyl-forms of magnesium orotate in correcting magnesium deficiency and lipid status in magnesium-deficient animals.
Material and methods. A drug-induced magnesium deficiency was formed in animals (furosemide 30 mg/kg was injected for 14 days), then the rats received an oxo-form (Magnerot©, Verwag Pharma GmbH and Co, Germany) and a hydroxyl-form of magnesium orotate (MO) obtained by mechanical activation. Levels of magnesium, calcium and sodium in blood were analyzed, the rate of magnesium compensation was calculated, the lipid status (triglycerides, total cholesterol, low, very low and high density lipoproteids) was evaluated, and the atherogenicity index was calculated.
Results. When administrating the hydroxy-form of MO, in contrast to the oxo-form, the rate of compensation for magnesium deficiency is higher (on day 14, it is 29.2% for the oxo-form and 77.8% for the hydroxy-form of MO), and the Ca/Mg ratio is restored. The positive dynamics of lipid metabolism in comparison with magnicificent animals is observed on the 14th day of drug administration of magnesium orotate in both groups of experimental animals, however, rats with the injection of oxo-forms have levels of total cholesterol (by 13.68%, p < 0.05) and cholesterol LDL (1.28 times, p < 0.05) remain above baseline,
while in the group with the administration of the hydroxy-form MO results comparable to those of intact control. Differences of level of cholesterol LDL between experimental groups at this time of administration of drugs are 25.66%. The index atherogenicity was calculated on the basis of the obtained data returns to the initial parameters in the group receiving mechanomodified magnesium orotate (hydroxy-form) and remains elevated (by 26.14%) in animals receiving the original oxo-form of the drug.
Conclusions. The hydroxy-form of magnesium orotate obtained by mechanoactivation of the original drug "Magnerot" shows a more pronounced biological (therapeutic) activity, which is manifested in the rapid recovery of magnesium levels in the blood, the rate of compensation of magnesium deficiency, the recovery of the Mg/Ca ratio, normalization of triglycerides, cholesterol LDL and atherogenicity index.


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How to Cite

Chuchkova N. N., Smetanina M. V., Kormilina N. V., Pazinenko K. A., Kanunnikova O. M. Tautomeric forms of magnesium orotate in correction of magnesium deficiency and lipid status in magnesium-deficient animals // The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias. 2020. VOL. № 2 (39). PP. 49–55.



Original research paper