Comparison of the results of cardiovascular risk assessment using the SCORE and SCORE2 scales




primary prevention of cardiovascular diseases, risk assessment, SCORE, SCORE 2


The Objective of the study was to investigate the implementation of SCORE2 on cardiovascular disease risk assessment (CVD) in patients in the Russian Federation.

Material and methods: 100 patients aged 40 to 65 (48 male, mean age 55.2±7.1 years) were included into the study. For each patient entered in the study, the fatal risk of CVD was evaluated on the SCORE scale (with subsequent calculation of the total risk of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular (CV) events according to the current gidelines) and the risk of fatal and non-fatal CV events on the SCORE2 scale. The SPSS software package, version 22.0 (SPSS Inc., USA) was used for statistical analysis.

Results. Risk assessment on the SCORE scale led to the following results: 23 patients were classified as low-risk CVD, 56 - as moderate-risk, 19 – as high risk, and 2 were very high-risk. The estimated risk of fatal and non-fatal CVD ranged from 0.3% to 53.2% and averaged 8.8±7.5%. According to SCORE2, all patients were classified as high risk and very high risk: 34 and 66 patients, respectively. The risk of fatal and non-fatal cardiovascular complications in the assessment was 11.5±5.7% and has rised on 2.7% in average compared with the risk determined by the SCORE system (p<0.001).

Conclusion: The use of the SCORE2 scale instead of SCORE lead to reclassify the majority of patients from low and moderate risk of CV events to high and very high risk. Implementation of the new risk assessment system will followed by more frequent use of high intensive therapy to achieve more strict treatment goals.


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How to Cite

Tregubov A. V., Tregubova A. A. ., Alekseeva I. V., Savchuk K. I. ., Urazgildeeva S. A. . Comparison of the results of cardiovascular risk assessment using the SCORE and SCORE2 scales // The Journal of Atherosclerosis and Dyslipidemias. 2022. VOL. № 3 (48). PP. 41–47.



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